Тактические наушники для стрельбы с активным шумоподавлением Howard Leight Impact Sport (2 цвета)

  • Two directional microphones read ambient sounds and suppress sounds louder than 82 dB (such as gunshots) and amplify sounds quieter than 82 dB (such as speech/commands, rustling leaves).
  • Each earphone has one built-in microphone, which provides "stereo" amplification of surrounding sounds - if the sound is to your left, then this sound will be amplified only by the left earphone. The right earphone amplifies only sounds coming from the right. This way you can easily determine the direction of the sound.
  • Low-profile ear pads allow for easy aiming.
  • The headphones are universal and will fit any head size - the height of the headphones is adjustable.
  • The headphones are waterproof – rain and snow are no problem.
  • The headphones have replaceable ear pads.
  • The headphones automatically turn off after 4 hours to save battery. To continue using the headphones, simply turn them on and off - they will work for another 4 hours.
  • The 2-in-1 control wheel is responsible for turning the headphones on/off and for adjusting the volume of ambient sounds.
  • The built-in AUX 3.5 audio jack allows you to use the shooting headphones as regular headphones: for listening to audio from a smartphone, player or computer.
  • Powered by 2 AAA batteries.
  • One battery charge lasts for 350 hours of operation.
  • The weight of the headphones with batteries is 300 grams.
  • The noise reduction level of the headphones Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) is 22 dB.
  • Set: headphones, AUX 3.5 mm audio cable, case for storing and transporting headphones.

These headphones can be attached directly to the ARC rails of a tactical helmet using an adapter.

We can also offer амбушюры для данных наушников.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


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